Proxmox – Instalace PiAlert WIFI / LAN intruder detektoru

By | 01/01/2024

Last Updated on 16/02/2025 by administrator

Proxmox – Instalace PiAlert WIFI / LAN intruder detektoru

Proxmox – Instalace PiAlert WIFI / LAN intruder detektoru


Pi.Alert je WIFI / LAN intruder detektor, který dokáže provést oskenování sítě a nalézt všechna připojena zařízení.

Princip funkce:

Metoda 1 – ARP skenování

PiAlert posílá ARP requesty (do celé podsítě např. a ta stanice, která mu pošle ARP reply je pro něj UP a z MAC adresy zjistí Vendora.

Metoda 2 – DNS skenování

Tato metoda doplňuje metodu 1. Pokud je v síti aktivní Pi-Hole, nebo jiný DNS server obsahující PTR záznamy, PiAlert posílá jako žádost PTR záznam a očekává odpověď ve formě doménového jména příslušné stanice z DND serveru.

Metoda 3 – DHCP skenování (dnsmasq)

Další metoda, která je doplněním přechozích metod. Pokud se Pi-Hole využívá pro DNS i DHCP server, tak se PiAlert doptává DHCP serveru na IP adresy, které byly vypůjčeny.


Implementace byla prakticky prováděna na open-source platformě Proxmox verze 7.4-3.

Implementace – Proxmox – Instalace PiAlert WIFI:

Instalace PiAlert:

Pro vytvoření nového CT LXC v Proxmox VE, je nutné zadat příkaz níže přímo pod Proxmox VE serverem. Nevytvářet nový CT (script Vám to „nesežere“) Ten bude vytvořen právě tímto scriptem níže:

bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"

Pozn. Je doporučeno script výše přímo přes shell v prohlížeči Proxmox mod, než použít SSH, mohou vzniknout potencionální komplikace viz. se ukáže hláška – It’s advisable to utilize the Proxmox shell rather than SSH, as there may be potential complications with variable retrieval.

Zobrazí průvodce instalací, kliknout na Yes:

Proxmox - Instalace PiAlert

Pozn. Pokud vyskočí hláška níže (protože podpora pro script je pro Debian 12 a ne pro Debian 11) …

Proxmox - Instalace PiAlert

… je potřeba zvolit Advanced.

Proxmox - Instalace PiAlert

Jako distribuce byla použita Debian 11. CT kontejner je pojmenovaný jako pialert s ID číslem 110 a jedná se o neprivilegovaný kontejner (Container Type 1). Doporučuje se použít 512 MB RAM a 3 GB diskové kapacity s 1 CPU. Jako IP adresa byla použita s defaultní branou, DNS serverem a doménovým jménem lan.

Using Advanced Settings
Using Distribution: debian
Using debian Version: 11
Using Container Type: 1
Using Root Password: nejakeheslo
Container ID: 110
Using Hostname: pialert
Using Disk Size: 3
Allocated Cores: 1
Allocated RAM: 512
Using Bridge: vmbr0
Using IP Address:
Using Gateway IP Address:
Disable IPv6: no
Using Interface MTU Size: Default
Using DNS Search Domain: lan
Using DNS Server IP Address:
Using Vlan: Default
Enable Root SSH Access: yes
Enable Verbose Mode: no

Vybrat příslušný disk pro instalaci PiAlert:


Proces vytváření PiAlert LXC kontejneru:

Creating a PiAlert LXC using the above advanced settings
✓ Using local for Template Storage.
✓ Using local-zfs for Container Storage.
✓ Updated LXC Template List
✓ LXC Container 110 was successfully created.
✓ Started LXC Container
✓ Set up Container OS
✓ Network Connected:
✓ Internet Connected
✓ DNS Resolved to
✓ Updated Container OS
✓ Installed Dependencies
✓ Installed PHP Dependencies
✓ Installed Python Dependencies
✓ Installed Pi.Alert
✓ Finished Pi.Alert Scan
✓ Cleaned
✓ Completed Successfully!

PiAlert should be reachable by going to the following URL.


Aktualizace PiAlert:

Pro provedení aktualizace PiAlert je potřeba spustit script níže přímo pod LXC kontejnerem (ne na Proxmox VE jako při instalaci):

bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"

Výstup příkazu bash -c „$(wget -qLO –“ vypadá následovně při upgradu PiAlert:


# You are planning to update Pi.Alert. Please make sure that no scan takes #
# place during the update to avoid possible database errors afterwards!!!  #
#                                                                          #
# This can be done by pausing the Arp scan via the settings page. However, #
# scans that are already running will not be terminated. For more          #
# information, check the Help/FAQ section in Pi.Alert                      #

Press enter to continue

 Pi.Alert Update
Mon Jan  1 23:35:19 CET 2024
Logfile: pialert_update_2024-01-01_23-35.log

- Checking Python...
Python 3 is installed on your system
mac-vendor-lookup is already installed
fritzconnection is already installed
Installing routeros_api...
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
routeros_api is now installed
pyunifi is already installed
- Stopping Pi.Alert...
No timeout is set. Pi.Alert restarts itself with the next scan after 10min.
arp-scan: no process found

Pi.Alert  (2023-10-23)
Current User: root

Test Reporting...
    Skip mail...
    Skip PUSHSAFER...
    Skip PUSHOVER...
    Skip Telegram...
    Skip NTFY...
    Save report to file...


Configured Pi.Alert scans are disabled

- Reset permissions...
- Deleting previous Pi.Alert backups...
- Creating new Pi.Alert backup...
- Cleaning previous version...
- Checking packages...
- Installing missing packages: python3-cryptography
- Downloading update file...
/opt/pialert_latest.tar                 100%[=================>]  82.77M  2.76MB/s    in 31s
- Uncompressing tar file
- Deleting downloaded tar file...
- Generate autocomplete file...
- Copy autocomplete file...
- Config backup...
- Updating config file...
- Updating DB permissions...
- Installing sqlite3...
- Set Permissions...
- Create Logfile Symlinks...
- Set sudoers...
- Patch DB...
# You are planning to update the Pi.Alert DB. Please make sure that no scan    #
# takes place during the update to avoid possible database errors afterwards!  #
#                                                                              #
# This can be done by pausing the Arp scan via the settings page. However,     #
# scans that are already running will not be terminated. For more information, #
# check the Help/FAQ section in Pi.Alert                                       #
#                                                                              #
# Press STRG+C to Abort                                                        #

Press enter to continue

Update DB /opt/pialert/back/../db/pialert.db

Purge old db backup
rm: cannot remove '/opt/pialert/back/../db/pialert.db.bak': No such file or directory
...Create backup before insert new table
...Insert new table 'Online_History' to DB
...Insert new table 'network_infrastructure' to DB
...Insert new column 'dev_Infrastructure' to table 'Devices' to DB
        Column 'dev_Infrastructure' already exists in the 'Devices' table.
...Insert new column 'dev_Infrastructure_port' to table 'Devices' to DB
        Column 'dev_Infrastructure_port' already exists in the 'Devices' table.
...Insert new column 'net_downstream_devices' to table 'network_infrastructure' to DB
        Column 'net_downstream_devices' already exists in the 'network_infrastructure' table.
...Insert new table 'network_dumb_dev' to DB
...Insert new table 'Services_Events' to DB
...Insert new table 'Services_CurrentScan' to DB
...Insert new table 'Services' to DB
...Insert new column 'mon_Notes' to table 'Services' to DB
        Column 'mon_Notes' already exists in the 'Services' table.
...Insert new table 'pialert_journal' to DB
...Insert new column 'dev_Model' to table 'Devices' to DB
        Column 'dev_Model' already exists in the 'Devices' table.
...Insert new column 'dev_Serialnumber' to table 'Devices' to DB
        Column 'dev_Serialnumber' already exists in the 'Devices' table.
...Insert new column 'dev_ConnectionType' to table 'Devices' to DB
        Column 'dev_ConnectionType' already exists in the 'Devices' table.
...Insert new table 'ICMP_Mon' to DB
...Insert new table 'ICMP_Mon_CurrentScan' to DB
...Insert new table 'ICMP_Mon_Events' to DB
...Insert new column 'mon_ssl_subject' to table 'Services' to DB
        Column 'mon_ssl_subject' already exists in the 'Services' table.
...Insert new column 'mon_ssl_issuer' to table 'Services' to DB
        Column 'mon_ssl_issuer' already exists in the 'Services' table.
...Insert new column 'mon_ssl_valid_from' to table 'Services' to DB
        Column 'mon_ssl_valid_from' already exists in the 'Services' table.
...Insert new column 'mon_ssl_valid_to' to table 'Services' to DB
        Column 'mon_ssl_valid_to' already exists in the 'Services' table.
...Insert new column 'mon_ssl_fc' to table 'Services' to DB
        Column 'mon_ssl_fc' already exists in the 'Services' table.
...Insert new column 'cur_ssl_subject' to table 'Services_CurrentScan' to DB
        Column 'cur_ssl_subject' already exists in the 'Services_CurrentScan' table.
...Insert new column 'cur_ssl_issuer' to table 'Services_CurrentScan' to DB
        Column 'cur_ssl_issuer' already exists in the 'Services_CurrentScan' table.
...Insert new column 'cur_ssl_valid_from' to table 'Services_CurrentScan' to DB
        Column 'cur_ssl_valid_from' already exists in the 'Services_CurrentScan' table.
...Insert new column 'cur_ssl_valid_to' to table 'Services_CurrentScan' to DB
        Column 'cur_ssl_valid_to' already exists in the 'Services_CurrentScan' table.
...Insert new column 'cur_ssl_fc' to table 'Services_CurrentScan' to DB
        Column 'cur_ssl_fc' already exists in the 'Services_CurrentScan' table.
...Insert new column 'moneve_ssl_fc' to table 'Services_Events' to DB
        Column 'moneve_ssl_fc' already exists in the 'Services_Events' table.
...Insert new column 'Data_Source' to table 'Online_History' to DB
        Column 'Data_Source' already exists in the 'Online_History' table.
...Insert new table 'Tools_Speedtest_History' to DB

Update finished!

- Starting Pi.Alert...

Pi.Alert  (2023-12-31)
Current User: root

Test Reporting...
    Skip mail...
    Skip PUSHSAFER...
    Skip PUSHOVER...
    Skip Telegram...
    Skip NTFY...
    Save report to file...


Configured Pi.Alert scans are enabled
- Testing Pi.Alert HW vendors database update process...

Pi.Alert  (2023-12-31)
Current User: root

Update HW Vendors
    Timestamp: 2024-01-01 23:36:00

Updating vendors DB...

Searching devices vendor
    Devices Ignored:   0
    Vendors Not Found: 0
    Vendors updated:   0

Try build in mac-vendor-lookup update
    Update successful

- Testing Pi.Alert Internet IP Lookup...

Pi.Alert  (2023-12-31)
Current User: root

Check Internet IP
    Timestamp: 2024-01-01 23:37:00

Retrieving Internet IP...

Retrieving previous IP...
    No changes to perform

Skipping Dynamic DNS update...

Skipping Speedtest... Not installed!


- Testing Pi.Alert Network scan...

Pi.Alert  (2023-12-31)
Current User: root

Scan Devices
    Timestamp: 2024-01-01 23:37:00

    arp-scan Method...
    arp-scan: One interface
    Pi-hole Method...
    DHCP Leases Method...
    Fritzbox Method...
    Mikrotik Method...
    UniFi Method...

Processing scan results...
    Processing ignore list...
        Delete 0 ignored devices from scan on appearance
    Devices Detected.......: 29
        arp-scan Method....: 27
        Pi-hole Method.....: +0
        Fritzbox Method....: +0
        Mikrotik Method....: +0
        UniFi Method.......: +0
        New Devices........: 0

    Devices in this scan...: 29
        Down Alerts........: 0
        New Down Alerts....: 0
        New Connections....: 0
        Disconnections.....: 0
        IP Changes.........: 0

Updating DB Info...
    Sessions Events (connect / discconnect) ...
    Creating new devices...
    Updating Devices Info...
        Trying to resolve devices without name..........................
        Names updated:   0
    Voiding false (ghost) disconnections...
    Pairing session events (connection / disconnection) ...
    Creating sessions snapshot...
    Skipping repeated notifications...
    Calculate Activity History...

Start ICMP Monitoring...
    Get Host/Domain List...
        List contains 0 entries
    Flush previous ping results...
    Ping Hosts...
    No Hosts(s) to monitor!

    Formating report...
    No changes to report...
    Notifications: 0

Reporting (ICMP Monitoring) ...
    No changes to report...


 Update process finished

 ✓ Updated PiAlert


Věřím, že tento článek Proxmox – Instalace PiAlert WIFI / LAN intruder detektoru pomohl.



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1) Nejdříve vše nastudovat v cizích jazycích.
2) Vše následně prakticky vyzkoušet.
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Každý článek zabere několik hodin práce, za kterou mi nikdo neplatí.
Prosím zvaž, kolik času jsem ti právě ušetřil.
Pokud ti to stojí aspoň za cenu jedné kávy, tak mi ji kup.
Předem moc děkuji.

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