Last Updated on 16/02/2025 by administrator
Proxmox – Instalace PiAlert WIFI / LAN intruder detektoru
Proxmox – Instalace PiAlert WIFI / LAN intruder detektoru
Pi.Alert je WIFI / LAN intruder detektor, který dokáže provést oskenování sítě a nalézt všechna připojena zařízení.
Princip funkce:
Metoda 1 – ARP skenování
PiAlert posílá ARP requesty (do celé podsítě např. a ta stanice, která mu pošle ARP reply je pro něj UP a z MAC adresy zjistí Vendora.
Metoda 2 – DNS skenování
Tato metoda doplňuje metodu 1. Pokud je v síti aktivní Pi-Hole, nebo jiný DNS server obsahující PTR záznamy, PiAlert posílá jako žádost PTR záznam a očekává odpověď ve formě doménového jména příslušné stanice z DND serveru.
Metoda 3 – DHCP skenování (dnsmasq)
Další metoda, která je doplněním přechozích metod. Pokud se Pi-Hole využívá pro DNS i DHCP server, tak se PiAlert doptává DHCP serveru na IP adresy, které byly vypůjčeny.
Implementace byla prakticky prováděna na open-source platformě Proxmox verze 7.4-3.
Implementace – Proxmox – Instalace PiAlert WIFI:
Instalace PiAlert:
Pro vytvoření nového CT LXC v Proxmox VE, je nutné zadat příkaz níže přímo pod Proxmox VE serverem. Nevytvářet nový CT (script Vám to „nesežere“) Ten bude vytvořen právě tímto scriptem níže:
bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
Pozn. Je doporučeno script výše přímo přes shell v prohlížeči Proxmox mod, než použít SSH, mohou vzniknout potencionální komplikace viz. se ukáže hláška – It’s advisable to utilize the Proxmox shell rather than SSH, as there may be potential complications with variable retrieval.
Zobrazí průvodce instalací, kliknout na Yes:
Pozn. Pokud vyskočí hláška níže (protože podpora pro script je pro Debian 12 a ne pro Debian 11) …
… je potřeba zvolit Advanced.
Jako distribuce byla použita Debian 11. CT kontejner je pojmenovaný jako pialert s ID číslem 110 a jedná se o neprivilegovaný kontejner (Container Type 1). Doporučuje se použít 512 MB RAM a 3 GB diskové kapacity s 1 CPU. Jako IP adresa byla použita s defaultní branou, DNS serverem a doménovým jménem lan.
Using Advanced Settings
Using Distribution: debian
Using debian Version: 11
Using Container Type: 1
Using Root Password: nejakeheslo
Container ID: 110
Using Hostname: pialert
Using Disk Size: 3
Allocated Cores: 1
Allocated RAM: 512
Using Bridge: vmbr0
Using IP Address:
Using Gateway IP Address:
Disable IPv6: no
Using Interface MTU Size: Default
Using DNS Search Domain: lan
Using DNS Server IP Address:
Using Vlan: Default
Enable Root SSH Access: yes
Enable Verbose Mode: no
Vybrat příslušný disk pro instalaci PiAlert:
Proces vytváření PiAlert LXC kontejneru:
Creating a PiAlert LXC using the above advanced settings
✓ Using local for Template Storage.
✓ Using local-zfs for Container Storage.
✓ Updated LXC Template List
✓ LXC Container 110 was successfully created.
✓ Started LXC Container
✓ Set up Container OS
✓ Network Connected:
✓ Internet Connected
✓ DNS Resolved to
✓ Updated Container OS
✓ Installed Dependencies
✓ Installed PHP Dependencies
✓ Installed Python Dependencies
✓ Installed Pi.Alert
✓ Finished Pi.Alert Scan
✓ Cleaned
✓ Completed Successfully!
PiAlert should be reachable by going to the following URL.
Aktualizace PiAlert:
Pro provedení aktualizace PiAlert je potřeba spustit script níže přímo pod LXC kontejnerem (ne na Proxmox VE jako při instalaci):
bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
Výstup příkazu bash -c „$(wget -qLO –“ vypadá následovně při upgradu PiAlert:
############################################################################ # You are planning to update Pi.Alert. Please make sure that no scan takes # # place during the update to avoid possible database errors afterwards!!! # # # # This can be done by pausing the Arp scan via the settings page. However, # # scans that are already running will not be terminated. For more # # information, check the Help/FAQ section in Pi.Alert # ############################################################################ Press enter to continue ############################################################ Pi.Alert Update ############################################################ Mon Jan 1 23:35:19 CET 2024 Logfile: pialert_update_2024-01-01_23-35.log - Checking Python... Python 3 is installed on your system mac-vendor-lookup is already installed fritzconnection is already installed Installing routeros_api... WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: routeros_api is now installed pyunifi is already installed - Stopping Pi.Alert... No timeout is set. Pi.Alert restarts itself with the next scan after 10min. arp-scan: no process found Pi.Alert (2023-10-23) --------------------------------------------------------- Current User: root Test Reporting... Skip mail... Skip PUSHSAFER... Skip PUSHOVER... Skip Telegram... Skip NTFY... Save report to file... DONE!!! Configured Pi.Alert scans are disabled - Reset permissions... - Deleting previous Pi.Alert backups... - Creating new Pi.Alert backup... .................................................................................................... - Cleaning previous version... - Checking packages... - Installing missing packages: python3-cryptography - Downloading update file... /opt/pialert_latest.tar 100%[=================>] 82.77M 2.76MB/s in 31s - Uncompressing tar file .................................................................................... - Deleting downloaded tar file... - Generate autocomplete file... - Copy autocomplete file... - Config backup... - Updating config file... - Updating DB permissions... - Installing sqlite3... - Set Permissions... - Create Logfile Symlinks... - Set sudoers... - Patch DB... ################################################################################ # You are planning to update the Pi.Alert DB. Please make sure that no scan # # takes place during the update to avoid possible database errors afterwards! # # # # This can be done by pausing the Arp scan via the settings page. However, # # scans that are already running will not be terminated. For more information, # # check the Help/FAQ section in Pi.Alert # # # # Press STRG+C to Abort # ################################################################################ Press enter to continue Update DB /opt/pialert/back/../db/pialert.db Purge old db backup rm: cannot remove '/opt/pialert/back/../db/pialert.db.bak': No such file or directory ...Create backup before insert new table ...Insert new table 'Online_History' to DB ...Insert new table 'network_infrastructure' to DB ...Insert new column 'dev_Infrastructure' to table 'Devices' to DB Column 'dev_Infrastructure' already exists in the 'Devices' table. ...Insert new column 'dev_Infrastructure_port' to table 'Devices' to DB Column 'dev_Infrastructure_port' already exists in the 'Devices' table. ...Insert new column 'net_downstream_devices' to table 'network_infrastructure' to DB Column 'net_downstream_devices' already exists in the 'network_infrastructure' table. ...Insert new table 'network_dumb_dev' to DB ...Insert new table 'Services_Events' to DB ...Insert new table 'Services_CurrentScan' to DB ...Insert new table 'Services' to DB ...Insert new column 'mon_Notes' to table 'Services' to DB Column 'mon_Notes' already exists in the 'Services' table. ...Insert new table 'pialert_journal' to DB ...Insert new column 'dev_Model' to table 'Devices' to DB Column 'dev_Model' already exists in the 'Devices' table. ...Insert new column 'dev_Serialnumber' to table 'Devices' to DB Column 'dev_Serialnumber' already exists in the 'Devices' table. ...Insert new column 'dev_ConnectionType' to table 'Devices' to DB Column 'dev_ConnectionType' already exists in the 'Devices' table. ...Insert new table 'ICMP_Mon' to DB ...Insert new table 'ICMP_Mon_CurrentScan' to DB ...Insert new table 'ICMP_Mon_Events' to DB ...Insert new column 'mon_ssl_subject' to table 'Services' to DB Column 'mon_ssl_subject' already exists in the 'Services' table. ...Insert new column 'mon_ssl_issuer' to table 'Services' to DB Column 'mon_ssl_issuer' already exists in the 'Services' table. ...Insert new column 'mon_ssl_valid_from' to table 'Services' to DB Column 'mon_ssl_valid_from' already exists in the 'Services' table. ...Insert new column 'mon_ssl_valid_to' to table 'Services' to DB Column 'mon_ssl_valid_to' already exists in the 'Services' table. ...Insert new column 'mon_ssl_fc' to table 'Services' to DB Column 'mon_ssl_fc' already exists in the 'Services' table. ...Insert new column 'cur_ssl_subject' to table 'Services_CurrentScan' to DB Column 'cur_ssl_subject' already exists in the 'Services_CurrentScan' table. ...Insert new column 'cur_ssl_issuer' to table 'Services_CurrentScan' to DB Column 'cur_ssl_issuer' already exists in the 'Services_CurrentScan' table. ...Insert new column 'cur_ssl_valid_from' to table 'Services_CurrentScan' to DB Column 'cur_ssl_valid_from' already exists in the 'Services_CurrentScan' table. ...Insert new column 'cur_ssl_valid_to' to table 'Services_CurrentScan' to DB Column 'cur_ssl_valid_to' already exists in the 'Services_CurrentScan' table. ...Insert new column 'cur_ssl_fc' to table 'Services_CurrentScan' to DB Column 'cur_ssl_fc' already exists in the 'Services_CurrentScan' table. ...Insert new column 'moneve_ssl_fc' to table 'Services_Events' to DB Column 'moneve_ssl_fc' already exists in the 'Services_Events' table. ...Insert new column 'Data_Source' to table 'Online_History' to DB Column 'Data_Source' already exists in the 'Online_History' table. ...Insert new table 'Tools_Speedtest_History' to DB Update finished! - Starting Pi.Alert... Pi.Alert (2023-12-31) --------------------------------------------------------- Current User: root Test Reporting... Skip mail... Skip PUSHSAFER... Skip PUSHOVER... Skip Telegram... Skip NTFY... Save report to file... DONE!!! Configured Pi.Alert scans are enabled - Testing Pi.Alert HW vendors database update process... *** PLEASE WAIT A COUPLE OF MINUTES... Pi.Alert (2023-12-31) --------------------------------------------------------- Current User: root Update HW Vendors Timestamp: 2024-01-01 23:36:00 Updating vendors DB... Searching devices vendor Devices Ignored: 0 Vendors Not Found: 0 Vendors updated: 0 Try build in mac-vendor-lookup update Update successful - Testing Pi.Alert Internet IP Lookup... Pi.Alert (2023-12-31) --------------------------------------------------------- Current User: root Check Internet IP Timestamp: 2024-01-01 23:37:00 Retrieving Internet IP... Retrieving previous IP... No changes to perform Skipping Dynamic DNS update... Skipping Speedtest... Not installed! DONE!!! - Testing Pi.Alert Network scan... *** PLEASE WAIT A COUPLE OF MINUTES... Pi.Alert (2023-12-31) --------------------------------------------------------- Current User: root Scan Devices Timestamp: 2024-01-01 23:37:00 Scanning... arp-scan Method... arp-scan: One interface Pi-hole Method... ...Skipped DHCP Leases Method... ...Skipped Fritzbox Method... ...Skipped Mikrotik Method... ...Skipped UniFi Method... ...Skipped Processing scan results... Processing ignore list... Delete 0 ignored devices from scan on appearance Devices Detected.......: 29 arp-scan Method....: 27 Pi-hole Method.....: +0 Fritzbox Method....: +0 Mikrotik Method....: +0 UniFi Method.......: +0 New Devices........: 0 Devices in this scan...: 29 Down Alerts........: 0 New Down Alerts....: 0 New Connections....: 0 Disconnections.....: 0 IP Changes.........: 0 Updating DB Info... Sessions Events (connect / discconnect) ... Creating new devices... Updating Devices Info... Trying to resolve devices without name.......................... Names updated: 0 Voiding false (ghost) disconnections... Pairing session events (connection / disconnection) ... Creating sessions snapshot... Skipping repeated notifications... Calculate Activity History... Start ICMP Monitoring... Get Host/Domain List... List contains 0 entries Flush previous ping results... Ping Hosts... No Hosts(s) to monitor! Reporting... Formating report... No changes to report... Notifications: 0 Reporting (ICMP Monitoring) ... No changes to report... DONE!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Update process finished ------------------------------------------------------------ ✓ Updated PiAlert
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